Aquí las 100 mejores películas de terror según Rotten Tomatoes

Queda oficialmente inaugurada la spooky season y con ella llegan las ganas de maratonear como se debe: con películas que nos pongan la piel chinita.

El cine de terror es muy complicado, te puedes encontrar con pelis muyyy buenas o muy malas, Es por eso que aquí te dejamos la lista infalible de Rotten Tomatoes, para que te avientes un maratón de terror, te prometemos que estas pelis si estan chidas.

RankRatingTitleNo. of Reviews
1.  93%Us (2019)553
2.  98%Get Out (2017)397
3.  99%The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari) (1920)68
4.  96%A Quiet Place (2018)387
5.  98%King Kong (1933)66
6.  97%Nosferatu, a Symphony of Horror (Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens) (Nosferatu the Vampire) (1922)67
7.  96%Psycho (1960)104
8.  91%The Invisible Man (2020)411
9.  98%The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)47
10.  98%The Babadook (2014)241
11.  100%Frankenstein (1931)50
12.  90%The Lighthouse (2019)381
13.  89%Hereditary (2018)382
14.  95%It Follows (2015)266
15.  98%Let the Right One In (2008)191
16.  95%Freaks (1932)55
17.  97%Aliens (1986)77
18.  96%Night of the Living Dead (1968)75
19.  96%The Silence of the Lambs (1991)104
20.  96%Rosemary’s Baby (1968)73
21.  96%Halloween (1978)73
22.  98%Eyes Without a Face (1962)55
23.  95%Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)239
24.  95%Repulsion (1965)65
25.  100%Host (2020)90
26.  94%Possessor: Uncut (2020)218
27.  90%The Witch (2016)331
28.  92%The Cabin in the Woods (2012)288
29.  94%The Invisible Man (1933)51
30.  86%It (2017)386
31.  95%Don’t Look Now (1973)75
32.  92%Relic (2020)231
33.  98%The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973)40
34.  95%The Birds (1963)57
35.  94%Young Frankenstein (1974)68
36.  98%The Vanishing (Spoorloos) (1988)49
37.  88%Ready or Not (2019)311
38.  93%Godzilla (Gojira) (1954)74
39.  92%Drag Me to Hell (2009)269
40.  96%A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)134
41.  95%The Fly (1958)41
42.  95%House of Wax (1953)43
43.  94%Dracula (1931)47
44.  83%Midsommar (2019)398
45.  93%Carrie (1976)67
46.  95%Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (Nosferatu the Vampyre) (1979)59
47.  95%The Evil Dead (1981)61
48.  94%The Innocents (1961)54
49.  95%Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (1987)60
50.  98%The Loved Ones (2012)57
51.  96%La Llorona (2020)94
52.  93%The Fly (1986)68
53.  97%Spontaneous (2020)64
54.  93%Dead of Night (1945)43
55.  93%Them! (1954)57
56.  95%The Love Witch (2016)113
57.  97%Harpoon (2019)61
58.  94%Room 237 (2013)133
59.  98%Werckmeister Harmonies (2001)41
60.  93%Suspiria (1977)59
61.  92%Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)61
62.  94%Train to Busan (Busanhaeng) (2016)119
63.  92%Shaun of the Dead (2004)213
64.  93%The Host (2007)155
65.  94%A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)54
66.  94%Dawn of the Dead (1979)47
67.  87%It Comes At Night (2017)256
68.  89%Zombieland (2009)258
69.  91%In Fabric (2019)160
70.  93%Re-Animator (1985)61
71.  88%Don’t Breathe (2016)239
72.  95%The Mortuary Collection (2019)66
73.  90%Phantom of the Opera (1925)51
74.  92%The Endless (2018)131
75.  92%What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)50
76.  93%CAM (2018)101
77.  90%The Wolf Man (1941)40
78.  86%The Thing from Another World (1951)65
79.  90%Eraserhead (1977)62
80.  88%Upgrade (2018)193
81.  95%We Are Still Here (2015)44
82.  89%The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)63
83.  93%The Witches (1990)43
84.  93%Arachnophobia (1990)43
85.  79%Halloween (2018)382
86.  90%Horror of Dracula (1958)40
87.  90%Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)41
88.  88%The Mummy (1932)42
89.  87%Frankenweenie (2012)222
90.  88%Let Me In (2010)237
91.  91%The Dark and the Wicked (2020)107
92.  90%Frenzy (1972)42
93.  90%Misery (1990)70
94.  91%Kaidan (Kwaidan) (Ghost Stories) (1964)43
95.  88%Island of Lost Souls (1933)40
96.  86%The Conjuring (2013)223
97.  86%Color Out of Space (2020)208
98.  90%Little Shop of Horrors (1986)50
99.  91%Bone Tomahawk (2015)98
100.  91%Cronos (1994)54
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